Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bringing Home Home

Mother's Day weekend I went back eastward to good ol' Amherst. for a long-overdue visit and to treat my mom to the pleasure of my company for a special weekend of family time and relaxed hanging out (!). In spite of the ridiculously high pollen count in Western Massachusetts, it really was a great visit on many counts, though it would have been better if Dave could have joined me (though that will be remedied over Memorial Day weekend, in addition to the celebration of R & D's nuptials! Woohoo!).

Among other things we did to veg out and lay low, my mom also gave me the gift of allowing me to poach some homey items that my parents are no longer using in their home. I love the idea of bringing some home, home.

(grrr... somehow my centering got off (though my leveling did not)... it will be fixed)


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